30% off EBOO til May 31st
How It Works
Ozone increases tissue oxygenation by infusing the mitochondria with oxygen, resulting in increased energy. To the extent that ozone enhances blood flow, it relieves pain and inflammation. It also up-regulates antioxidant enzyme defenses, scavenging excess free radicals, which is key in rejuvenation and overall health.
Spring Special
$99 Ozone IV Therapy
Ozone Therapy is a unique and integrative treatment that is used to increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of ozone.
$99 Spring
IV Low Dose Ozone Treatment without UBI
Benefits of Ozone Therapy
∙ Increase oxygenation of the tissues & cells
∙ Burn calories
∙ Stimulate Immune System
∙ Increase the White Blood Cells
∙ Increase circulation & oxygen in the body
∙ Boost the immune system
∙ Fights viruses
∙ Increases elasticity of red blood cells
∙ Increase tumor necrosis factor by up to 500 times
∙ Removes accumulated toxins such as pesticides, drug residues, and other environmental wastes
∙ Produces anti-cancer substances
∙ Kills bad bacteria
∙ Breaks down arterial plaque
For more info click here